Bulk Bag Weigh Batch Unloader with Seismic Bracing
This BULK-OUT® Bulk Bag Weigh Batch Unloader with seismic bracing provides added structural integrity and operator safety for installations in regions prone to earthquakes.
The BFC model discharger frame is equipped with a cantilevered I-beam and electric hoist and trolley for positioning of bulk bags without the use of a forklift. The bag lifting frame is equipped with patented Z-CLIP™ bag strap holders that allow rapid insertion and removal of bag straps.
A manually operated iris valve atop a hopper intake chute allows the bag spout to be cinched and the drawstring untied before gradually opening the valve, avoiding uncontrolled bursts of material into the receiving vessel and associated dust.
Four-sided cross-bracing strengthens the frame against deformation and reduces the possibility of a structural failure when subjected to the dynamic loading associated with a seismic event.
Mounted on load cells, the unloader is equipped for loss-of-weight batching into customer-supplied receiving vessels or downstream processes.
Also offered are BFF model unloaders for forklift loading of bags, and BFH half frame unloaders requiring a forklift or plant hoist to suspend the bag during discharge. All are available constructed of carbon steel with durable industrial finishes, or stainless steel finished to industrial or sanitary standards, with optional conveyors and weigh batching controls.

Oprima para ampliarBULK-OUT® Bulk Bag Weigh Batch Unloader with seismic bracing provides structural integrity and added operator safety for installations in regions prone to earthquakes.