Tilt-Down Portable Bulk Conveyor Fits Tight Spaces, Cleans Easily
This Bulk Conveyor with Tilt-Down Portable Base from Flexicon fits through tight spaces and provides easy access for removal of the flexible screw.
It features a reduced footprint that enables the caster-mounted frame to maneuver through narrow aisles and around corners. With the hopper, support boom and conveyor assembly tilted down, the unit fits through standard doorways and orients the conveyor tube horizontally, allowing the flexible screw to be removed easily for thorough cleaning and inspection.
Each unit is custom configured according to the discharge height, tilt-down height, discharge overhang and overall size parameters of individual applications.
The hopper, which is equipped with a hinged lid, feeds a flexible screw conveyor that transports bulk ingredients ranging from sub-micron powders to large pellets.
The enclosed conveyor tube prevents product and plant contamination, while the gentle rolling action of material being conveyed prevents the separation of blends. The rugged inner screw is the only moving part contacting material, resulting in reduced maintenance and increased reliability.
A broad range of specialized screws is available to handle free- and non-free-flowing bulk materials, including products that pack, cake, smear, seize, plug or fluidize.
The mobile conveyor frame is constructed of carbon steel with durable industrial coatings and in stainless steel finished to industrial or sanitary standards.

Oprima para ampliarBulk conveyor shown with hopper, support boom and conveyor assembly tilted down, allowing the unit to pass through narrow aisles, around corners and under obstructions. Horizontal orientation of conveyor tube's bottom end allows flexible screw to be removed easily for thorough cleaning and inspection.